Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Disturbin Developmnts

June 14, 2017

There is a most disturgin devlopmnt! Kit an Bill hav started bangin and swattin at sumthing called moss keet oes. They are everywere and Kit and Bill dont like them!! It is nervrakking and maks it hard to tak a nap!!

Anywy her is some of the stuff we have been doin:

You can see that the wurk is evunly distributed!

Kit has been doin this stuff too.

Anyways we are survivin and eatin lots of fish.

Licks and Kisses


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Fishy Business

June 6, 2017

I am suspissous of this fishing busness.  There doesn't seem to be many fish and then some they catch, they thro bak!!  Whots with that!!

Here I am drivin the boat.  I can see ovr the dash and read the map!

I also get to fish but not oftn.

Her is one Kit caught.  Apparntly it wasn't a "fish" because they thru it back!!

This is one of the plases we fish but don't tell anybody - its a secret!

We got to see more birds. Kit liked this one.

Fish don't smell right.  I stay clear of them when they are in the boat and ESPECLY when Bill thumps them on the head and puts them in the bucket.

Mostly wehn we are fishin, I am snoozin.

Here is me drivn the boat agin

ANd som camp time:

The Kamp is great!  Nobody cares if I bark and I get to run round thru the grass and trees!

And some nap time:

Right now we r on a resuply mission to The Pas.

Hope stuff is good with you!

Wags and Licks