Friday, June 7, 2013

Foiled again

Skot just came in from our bak yard. He reported to Als he had just dun a “perimetr serch”. Bad news for me – there was this gap place I was workin on under the fens to expand my herizons, it was pretty well-skreened. You can see I'm always neer. 
I will have to find somewear even less obvius to work on wile he's busy in his gardin. 

This is me gardin our rode.
Skot and me wer just setting down the driveway yesterday when Oh. My. Dawg. 
We saw sumbuddy else on a leash and their person on ARE rode. Skot was telling Als I went berzerk – that must mean “to werk”. Als askt him “How can you tell berzerk from normal?” He said “It's a hire level of crazy.”

 It was hard wek wateverit was.

I havnet just been loungin around, here at Kamp either. I have perfected the “douple grab and drop”. Uszly I just take off with and slobber on one of Als slippers wen she gets home as a sine of affekshun but I figgered there was room for improovement.
Ta dah !!
Speaking of sines, Math is getting kind of boreen these days. After all these many munths there is not much left I havent herd. Well, besides “no, Sophie”. At that time ther lips are movin it beats me wats comin out.

Okay over and out for now,
Sophster, esq.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update, Sophie.

    Scott - I forgot to include Sophie's choke chain. It turns her into a civilized dog on walks. Please purchase on and I will reimburse you!

    Weather here has been beautiful! Fishing is great and I have been able to get lots of sketching and painting in.

    We are The Pas today to do laundry and stock up on stuff. We have no internet in Cormorant.

    Cheers - Kit and Bill
