Wednesday, June 19, 2013


so, I did something the other day that I was pretty proud of but Mark and Jess and Jakkie said it was gross and Skot was sad and Als shrugd it off. I cot and kilt a skwirl. That's my job, rite?! There the same as rats but with bushier tales. I wisht it was a kat but what can you do. Now Als calls me “Killer” and Skot did smile a bit and say they should get me a caller with spikes on it. 
I have been gud in all kinds of other ways, too. For instans Skot has bought these treets for me that only come out at wun time of day – Walkies. He thinks it keeps me better under kontrol coz now wen we pass dangerus chiwowwas and such I have to sit nice and wate. If all I hav to do it sit and look the other way... well … haha we no whose REALLY traned, dont we?!
The acshun on the rode before and after skool is winding down, I guess my reputashun is spredding.

Not to menshun my nose prince.
My most resent bath it wuz a sunny day. Here's us drying out.
Evry wun came over on Sunday. Skot got some presents I guess so he woodn't feel bad about all the attenshun I get.

 I have taken to layin on whatever Als leaves lyin around wen she goes out to remind her to put her stuf away.
My stripey bed for the most part has been layin low but once in a wile I have to chew the crap out of it.  Youv been gone now - what? 2 or 3 daze? - I dout it will last a week.
okay, see you soon 
leave some fish for the next guy

Furry Face


  1. I'm sure the squirrel had it coming.

    1. Skot's yard, my rulz.
      PS - burdz are okay, even the fliteless kind. xx
