Sunday, June 22, 2014

Prancing in the Street

That is a reprezentashun of wat hapend today.

um, not boyz singing like that, but the wurld been happy.
I will let Skot tell it [with Als intrupteen as usual]

S : So, me and Sophie are out waken and this lady on a bike stops rite at us. She gushes on and on “THAT is the cutest dog I hav ever seen!!”

A : I do not bleev that.

S : The she saes “I used to hav a wire-hare fox terror”

A : Okay, now I bleev it.

S : and she sed I am VERY well-groomed!

A : Props to me, and Kit.

S : The lady sed her dog livd for seventine yeers.

A : Uh-oh.

S : And for elevn of those yeers she took it to wurk evry day.

A : O those lucky wurkers.

I did not see any ratz in the bush today but it wuz at that same spot ware the lady stopt. I am aware you and Als had a “just kideen” conversahun about me goin over to vancoover to cleer out the vermin from the kiddees playground. 
Ime serius, I wud do it no charge. It wud be better for the ratz than traps – as you say, kwik and bludless.  Think mor about it.

Hay!! You will never bleev this!! A KAT sneekt in heer!!
How??...When?? maybe Kathee left her windo open … I dunno
At any rate, I tried to get under the dor and kleer out the problem but no luk.  

 So far !!!   mwahahaha ....


Mooch of the day today is a still and a movee.
Did you no I reely like banas?  I reely do!!  See if they have them at Petsetra wen you get hoam.

 Heers me keeping yor bed warm like I do evry day until you ar hoam.
 I try to spred around the joy, too.

 And, now, can you gess wich wun is me? 

Anser : the kutest – agane, another gimme

See yu soon !

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sophie
    Of course you are the cutest dog ever! What is Alice thinking??
    That cat you sniffed out - don't you remember her? You used to live with her and Frank (he was the mean one) and eat on their Oh Henrys!!
    We will be seeing you soon - you look like you need a hair cut!
    We are staying with a dog named Millie who is very quiet and well behaved. Bill has been feeding her steak!!!
    Kit and Bill
